2016年论文列表 |
发布时间:2016-06-22 浏览次数:
来源:磁器中心 |
Zhe Li*, Huimin Yang, Kun Xu, Yuanlei Zhang, Dong Zheng, Chao Jing, “Magnetocaloric and negative thermal expansion effects for Ni55.5Mn19.5Ga25 Heusler alloy with magneto-structural transition”, Mater. Chem. Phys. 180, 156-160 (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.05.056 Chao Jing*, Yang Liu, Dong Zheng, Xiaolong Wang, Junkun Sun, Yuanlei Zhang, Changqin Liu, Dongmei Deng, Zhenjie Feng, Kun Xu, Zhe Li* “Large spontaneous exchange bias and giant magnetoresistance in Ni50Mn37-xFexIn13 (x=2~4) Heusler alloys”, Solid State Commun. 241, 32-37 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2016.05.006 C. Jing, D. Zheng, Z. Li, L. J. Yu, Y. L. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. K. Sun, C. Q. Liu, D. M. Deng, W. T. Yang, “The effect of Pd on martensitic transformation and magnetic properties for Ni50Mn38−xPdxSn12Heusler alloys”, AIP Adv. 6, 056202(1-6) (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4942953
版权所有:曲靖师范学院磁性材料及器件研究中心 地址:云南省曲靖市经济技术开发区三江大道 邮编:655011
技术支持:信息与教育技术中心 |